Kibet4Kids is proud of her Committee of Recommendation, that consists of:
Jan Pronk
Pronk (1940) is professor at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. He was a member of the PvdA-party in the Dutch Lower Chamber, minister in four cabinets, and a diplomat for the United Nations.
Gerda Verburg
Verburg (1957) is the permanent representative of The Netherlands at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome. She was a director for the Trade Union (CNV), a member of the CDA-party in the Dutch Lower Chamber and minister of Agriculture, Nature Management and Food quality.
Pieter Winsemius
Winsemius (1942) is professor Management of Durable Development in Tilburg and he was a member of the Scientific Council for Government policy. He has been the minister for Nature conservation and chairman of Natuurmonumenten.
We are also represented by our ambassadors
Hilda Kibet is the oldest in a family of 10 children, 7 girls and 3 boys. Their parents have always valued education. When Hilda had finished her degree in Physiotherapy, she therefor did everything she could to help her brothers and sisters succeed in school. All of them also turned out to have the athletic blood in their veins. The following sisters represent Kibet4Kids as ambassadors. They can tell you everything about our foundation and its progress.
Sylvia Kibet
Sylvia is the two year younger sister of Hilda. She is one of the best 5000 meter runners in the world and among her many rewards are two silver medals at the World Championships of 2009 and 2011.
Elvin Kibet
Elvin received an athletic scholarship from the University of Arizona, because she excelled both in running and studies. Since 2010 she combines her study Public Health with running for her University. She received several All-Academic and All-American honors.
Valentine Kibet
Two years after finishing high school, Valentine received an athletic scholarship, but unfortunately she was denied a visa for America. She then changed her focus to becoming a professional runner. She succeeded and in 2011 she ran her first races in Europe.