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Kibet4Kids starts expansion of Mindililwo Special School

Kibet4Kids starts expansion of Mindililwo Special School

In the first week of November 2017 Kibet4Kids officially started its second project; the expansion of the School for intellectually challenged children in Iten.

The school in Mindililwo, Iten has a regional function. It receives applications from all over the Rift Valley province. Currently the school has 118 pupils, but there is a waiting list with 192 children. Those children are at home, with parents who in many cases don’t know how to give their child the right care, treatment and protection. Sadly, many intellectually challenged children experience physical, mental and sexual abuse in their own communities.

Kibet4Kids is going to build an extra dormitory so that more children can be admitted into the school. We are also going to expand the dining, delivering playing materials and more (see below for all details). We are incredibly thankful to our donors and sponsors for their supports. We could never complete this project without their help

What exactly are we going to do:

  • Build one dormitory for 50 pupils, including beds and mattresses                    
  • Build one sanitary block                                   
  • Increase the size of the dining                                     
  • Build a playground, including slides, swings and monkey bars
Picture: some of the pupils of the Special School showing off their self-made necklaces.