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Looking Ahead to 2025 – What’s next

Looking Ahead to 2025 – What’s next

We are very pleased with the progress, because we now provide free education for hundreds of pupils. However, there is more to be done. For 2025 we want to focus on improving Kamokos primary school in the following way:

  • Place ceramic tiles on the floors of all classrooms. Due to the climatic conditions, some of the floors have large holes in the cemented floor, which means we can’t place desks there. If we place tiles, the floors will be in a good state for the next 50-100 years. To place tiles in one classroom (including cement and labour) costs around 280 euro.
  • Provide more textbooks (and other education materials, such as maps) for all classes.
  • Place ceiling boards in each classroom. Ceiling boards provide for a more stable ‘climate’ inside the room, which means the students can concentrate better because it doesn’t get too hot (or too cold) inside. One ceiling board of 10 x 4 feet costs around 10 euro.
  • Install electricity in the ICT room
  • Provide computers / laptops for the ICT room    
  • Build one more classroom
  • Create a field for pupils to play. The school has a large enough land outside the classrooms, but it’s full of rocks and needs to be leveled, to create an area where the children can play.
  • Provide some beans and maize, so the poorest children can get lunch in school, and are able to concentrate better.

Apart from that, we would like to place tiles in one of the dormitories of the Special School. This dormitory was not built by us, but it’s in a bad state with lots of holes in the floor so the school can’t place many beds there. Placing tiles on the floor will solve this problem once and for all.